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Thursday, September 05, 2013

Coming this Month: Bell, Book, and Scandal

COVER_BBS_MED I’m truly pleased to announce that my short romances are available on Barnes and Noble once more, thanks to Pubit and a much simpler, straight-forward process. I’m also over-the-moon to say that another short, humorous, paranormal romance will be out within the next two weeks (it is currently being oops-detected and queued).


Ellespeth Brannigan's ancient cat, Oliver, was foul and mean. But when Jake Loring backs over him in his car, she's just as crushed as Oliver! What's worse-- he doesn't even seem to feel bad about murdering her closest friend. Drowning her sorrows in a bottle of birthday wine, Elle wakes up the next morning with a dead cat, a weird old book laying open on her chest, and the mother of all hangovers.

She reads the lines in the book, slaps the snooze button on her alarm clock, and unleashes an accidental dose of karma on Jake. Spell books don't really work, do they? Because if they do, that stray cat may be more than just familiar... and since this is a humorous romance, all hell will, naturally, break loose.

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