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Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Thanks SO MUCH, Beverly. I am praying for Phil.

AngelsEarth I got an email today that made me cry. In fact, I’m still crying. I was given permission by Beverly to share it with my readers.

Can I ask all my friends, family, and anyone out there in the blogosphere with a heart to add Phil to your prayers?  He can use them.  Maybe a whisper or two for Beverly, who must be feeling weary. And may angels continue to float through the halls of Dana Farber.

Dear Ms. Olinger,

I wanted to write to you to thank you for the short story, My Boyfriend's Back. A nurse at Dana Farber noticed me reading on my Kindle and wrote your name down on a piece of paper for me. I have been visiting the DF Cancer Institute with my husband for a few weeks, who is battling prostate cancer.  
I hope you don't mind if I share a small part of our story with you. Phil, my husband, was my crush when we went to high school together. That was 37 years ago, but we met up after years apart at our 20th high school reunion. Just like Rori and John! He was divorced and I had never married. We grew up three streets apart in Quincy. I always admired him, but was very shy. After sitting together at the reunion we began dating and were never apart again.
Your story reminded me so much of how lucky we were to find eachother, and how much Phil means to me. I also loved your angels! It made me wonder about every orderly, aide, nurse, and patient advocate we have met in this difficult time. How many are angels, like your Norman "Normiel" and his friends? I think all of them are!!
Phil is holding his own. I wanted to let you know that reading your story made me smile and laugh on a very hard day. My daughter bought me this Kindle for Christmas. I never thought I'd read on an ebook device. Boy, was I wrong! Thank you so much for making a bad day better. When I thanked the nurse she told me you were a very nice person who does a lot for families and survivors of cancer. That made me feel even better. I can just tell I'd like you very much. Waiting for your next stories eagerly.


Brighton, MA

Blessings, and blessings, and grateful thanks to you, Beverly, for taking the time to write to me.  I’ll be praying for you and Phil with all my might.

*I deleted Beverly’s last name for her privacy.

1 comments ]:[ Add your comment:

Beth Dolgner said...

What a touching letter! It's things like this that mean so much more than any book sales numbers. Beverly and Phil will be in my prayers!

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