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Monday, June 10, 2013

Beady Things


While I slog my way through some icky weeks I have revived my passion for beadwork. Since my friends have proved to be a rather amazing crew of wackjobs, I am celebrating them with gifts.

Don’t get comfy, guys… I can do beady things for dudes, too.

Here are a few crappy photos.



Khalid (Ahmed’s dad) invests in gem mines and has been awesome about sending me some rare stuff.

Among those magic prizes in my PO Box have been some astonishingly gorgeous pieces of jasper… including sea sediment jasper, which is mined from sea floors and picks up some crazily gorgeous color variations.

This is a piece of sea sediment jasper set with turquoise barrels, copper beads, and seed bead strips.

I wish you could see the cabochon up close. The colors are amazing.

Some ridiculously cool Christmas tree jasper came in, too, and I put it together with some really well matched carnelian cabs. Unfortunately the photo makes them appear mis-matched, but trust me… they are identical.


More to come… and don’t be surprised if something shows up in your mailbox. :)

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