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Wednesday, September 02, 2009

ABC meme about me

I am joining Rhonda Stapleton in doing the ABC meme that's floating around. I LOVE these... and will just share my answers without tagging people who may not love them. Feel free to join the fun on your own blog, and add your link in the comments!!

Available or single? Nope, Ahmed has the pink slip.

Best Friend? Max. Shut up, he lurves me.

Cake or Pie? I love pie, but cake will always win... unless it's crappy supermarket cake with nasty icing.

Drink of choice? Lately I drink FUZE all day, but my drink of choice is a Venti Iced Latte with SweetNLo

Essential item for every day use? My netbook and/or cell phones.

Favorite color? Purple, but I really do love all colors.

Google? bless you!

Hometown? Green Harbor (technically Marshfield)

Indulgences? my daily latte and I still buy 4-6 paperbacks a week.

January or February? February

Kids and their names? No kids, but I have a Max, a Jeeves, a Winky, a Zari, a Mo, and a Snot... and more.

Life is incomplete without...? My man, my critters, and my friends.

Marriage date? Is this multiple choice???

Number of siblings? 3 brothers

Oranges or apples? Love both. In the fall, apples. In the summer, oranges.

Phobias and fears? I can't put my hands where I can't see them. It really wigs me out.

Quote for the day? "Jesus Saves... he passes to Moses... Moses goes up the middle... HE SCORES!!" (Church sign)

Reason to smile? My man is home and treated me very well last night. Plus I got presents. I luuuurve presents!!

Season? I love autumn.

Tag 3 people? You're not the boss of me.

Unknown fact about me? I'm deaf in one ear.

Vegetable you hate? squash

Worst habit? Answering people's objections for them before they make them... often they never planned to. Now, I know what you're going to say about that, and you're wrong, because...

X-rays you’ve had? Err... everything?

Your fave food? Corned beef and cabbage for dinner. I also love nuts of just about every kind. Penuche... the good stuff.

Zodiac sign? Gemini

If you do this meme on your blog, please provide a link in the comments so I can check it out! :D

1 comments ]:[ Add your comment:

Rhonda Helms said...

HAHAHA dude, I love your quote. hilarious. And I didn't know you're deaf in one ear. Interesting!

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