Ha! Beaten by an old man! Deal with it! Yeah, baby!
I just LIVE for October.
Playoff baseball... leaves falling... final games of baseball... pumpkins... world series baseball... Samhain... and BASEBALL!
Ha! Beaten by an old man! Deal with it! Yeah, baby!
I just LIVE for October.
Playoff baseball... leaves falling... final games of baseball... pumpkins... world series baseball... Samhain... and BASEBALL!
7 comments ]:[ Add your comment:
Oh Chrissy! You're jus' baaaaad! :)
Oh, but I adore my friends in Anaheim and LA.
I just love winning more.
Sick, I know.
Hmmm I'd expect that kind of behavior at a hockey game!
Oh, that reminds me of my kid, sadly. Looks just like him.
Funny but sad that that kid knows that. Hopefully it was just a slip of the finger.
You know I am 90% sure that was photoshopped. He looks about 4 and giving the finger at that age is actually rather advanced hand coordination.
The face, on the other hand... :)
Since the Phillies are out of contention we're a Red Sox house this fall.
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