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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gratitude On A Hard Day


Halfway through November, I have fallen a wee bit behind on my NaNoWriMo goal, but it’s cool.  Since my novel is probably going to be short of 50K I’m probably still on target.

This year has been good for my writing.  I put out a novella at the beginning of 2011 and switched from a pen name to my own name.  In May I made the decision, after a lot of reflection, to switch genres, focus, and direction.  By June I had written the first draft of my debut novel, which I delayed releasing to get it JUST RIGHT (or just write, as it were).  That decision proved to be a good one, since it plunged me back into an active participation with South Shore MA Fiction Writers.  It also spawned a new, solid, structured process that works.

By early December (possibly sooner, NaNoWriMo gods willing) I’ll have finished the second Maggie Gallagher novel.  My young adult trilogy, which has been languishing for years, will also be done soon.  The current schedule will be a staggered release calendar of a book every three months between now and January of 2013… alternating between adult books (the Maggie Gallagher Mystery titles) and young adult fantasy (my Echo the Minstrel series).

What is different about 2011?  I actually did the things I’d planned to do.  I put out a novella exactly when I planned.  I finished a novel in a new genre and it will be out soon.  I’ve nearly finished book two, and releasing it should be no problemo.

I’ve also realized that I owe a great deal of thanks to good friends.  The 35 members of SSMAW have been amazing… and being able to offer my own cheering section, beta-reading, and anything else I’ve got in my arsenal to these amazing men and women has been incredibly rewarding.  Every success they achieved drove me harder.  Every accolade they were awarded made me proud.  And each goal I crossed off my list was as much their accomplishment as my own.

I’ve also learned, when I was sick or had mad scheduling issues… or just had life jump up and down on me as it tends to do… my non-writing friends were just as supportive.  I was struck by this today, in a moment of amazing grace and clarity, as I made the fourth trip to Jordan Hospital in Plymouth in 24 hours to take care of my mom.  Things are often a struggle for me because of my own health.  I do have more on my plate.  And I guess I am asked more often than most “how do you do it?”

Ahmed. Roxy. Petie. Timmy. Allie. Aemon. Damiano. Gayle. Bill. Dennis. Angie. Dee.

And Ahmed.  Yeah, I know, I mentioned him twice.  He’s that good. Smile

I am incredibly lucky.  On good days it’s easy to remember how lucky.  But it’s too easy to forget on the tough days.  I don’t want to be the kind of woman who forgets on the tough days.  So as this long, rainy, tiring day comes to a close, I am still grateful.  I hope I remember to remain grateful.  Because the people in my life who make it bearable also make it joyous, funny, and worth the long days.

In the words of Mr. Dickens, “God bless you, every one.”

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