It's no secret that I often judge books by their covers, simply because beautiful covers make my heart stop. I dream of them. I lust after them. And yes... I buy them like a brain damaged waif follows the Pied Piper out of town. Money flies from my fingers when i see them. Two absolutely stunning YA titles suckered me in this week.

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is absolutely glorious, don't you think? The novel is a glorious, tense, romantic paranormal involving a battle between immortals and the fallen. I love the starkness of it... the agony and beauty of the shredded wings against the light. It makes me shiver.

Speaking of which... Fallen, by Lauren Kate, is another dark and lovely cover for yet another twisty, angsty paranormal romance. I haven't read either of these, but I think this one will get my first crack. The ravens drifting through the dark forest surrounding her-- they take my breath away. Her lace covered hands, her hunched posture... gorgeous. Beautiful, painful, anguished-- MAGNIFICENT!
I really love great covers. Feel free to share some of your favorites!!
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Wow, I love both of these but especially the second one. Now I wanna rush off to a bookstore and buy 'Fallen' just so I can have that pretty cover on my shelf...
I must be brain dead right now, because I can't think of any examples, but I know I've bought books because of gorgeous covers. Despite what they say about judging a book by it's cover.
They are both gorgeous. Of course I love all things black and white, but theres something about a cover in blue that always catches my attention. Love the characters. Love the mood they exude. Very kewl.
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