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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Are You Non-Conferencing? WHY NOT?!?

Hey, if you haven't jumped into the fray over at Romance Divas for the Non-Conference Conference, you're missing out HUGE. Jackie Kessler has given some of the best advice I've ever come across for book signings. Amanda Brice is flinging expert legal advice around like rice at a wedding. It's free brilliance gone wild!! Remember, joining is free. I can't imagine better advice you'd have to pay for!

For those unfamiliar, Romance Divas is an award winning community for writers of romance, and probably more valuable to its members than any other organization to which we belong. I know what you're thinking... another online community full of cat-fights, flame-wars, and nonsense. But nothing could be further from the truth. The founders keep it civil and the membership is... well, it's like spending a long weekend at a cabin with 2,172 (at last count) of your best friends from college.

For a complete schedule, look at the post below... and get your butt over to RD to become number 2,173!!

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