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Friday, August 12, 2005

Curses, Foiled Again

Well, our soul-soothing trip to Maine was called due to medical intrusion. My treatment team said "no."

That being the case I decided to buy Hoobstank's new CD and listen to "The Reason" on repeat for nearly an hour. That was fun. I bought some DVDs and took another hour opening them. Which led me to a theory...

I think the recording industry is being punished by the Almighty for their CD packaging. Millions of us download illegal music every day. While destroying my fingernails this afternoon I discovered the reason for this is pure frustration and payback. It's one thing to get soaked for 15 bucks for a CD or DVD we only want for one song or a few viewings. It's another to pay for the damned thing and break your fingers trying to remove it from the ridiculously over-compensating package. If we wanted to steal it we could do it on our computers!

And those TABS... the ones that say "open here" or "pull here" or some other such imaginary fairy tale of a helpful hint. Why are they the one spot on the CD/DVD that is least likely to disadhere from the crappy plastic cover? Every DVD in my collection has a mangled bit on the crappy plastic cover. Every CD case is cracked.

I figure RCA and Time/Warner alone owe me about 2 lifetimes of music and movies as compensation for extraction-damaged products and manicure repair.

I really needed to go to Maine this weekend.

Curses, foiled again!
Custom Smiley

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